My Work
On a daily basis, I utilize my software skills to bring ideas to life, continually refining them along the way. I enjoy comprehending user needs and transforming them into practical, efficient solutions. Here's all about my professional journey thus far:

Intermediate Software Developer
Aug 2024 - Present
Currently working with Lightspeed on the development of Chronogolf, a leading golf course management software.

Software Developer II
Feb 2022 - Jul 2024
In November 2021, I was first introduced to Ruby on Rails (RoR). I underwent personal training in RoR until February 2022. Thereafter, I began working with Explorator Labs, during which I worked on actual client projects, starting by writing test cases using Cypress.
In May 2022, I started working on the XP Courier Company`s project to develop their website and portal using Ruby on Rails and React.js. I honed my skills in Rails and React during this time. Additionally, I worked on the mobile app, built on React Native, where I fixed bugs and optimized the notification architecture using Firebase to reduce costs.
In October 2022, I started working on the Ottawa Inner City Health project, one of our largest projects. It comprises two apps to digitalize record-keeping and workflows for nurses at walk-in clinics. I implemented major features and resolved bugs according to client requirements. The apps are built using Ruby on Rails, plain JS, CSS and React.js components.
In August 2023, I took on more responsibilities and assumed full responsibility for managing the Ottawa Inner City Health and XP Courier projects . I began engaging with clients, gathering requirements, designing solutions, managing tasks, estimating timelines, assigning tasks to developers, conducting code reviews, and overseeing testing and deployment.
I left the Ottawa Inner City Health app in a state I'm truly proud of, knowing our team built it from the ground up with excellence!

Web Developer (Co-op/Intern)
Feb - Jul 2021
These two internships laid the foundation for my journey into the software development world.
At HPC Sphere, I worked on my first real client project and web application. I learned how to build a responsive UI, utilize modern front-end frameworks (Vue.js), a less-modern back-end framework (Laravel), integrate APIs, manage authentication (logins & signups), host web apps, and resolve technical issues related to website hosting, such as configuring SSH certificates.

Software Developer (Co-op/Intern)
Apr - Aug 2019
At Ellipsis, I worked on the company's internal portal, where I was introduced to essential development tools such as VS Code, Git version control, my first development language (C#), web framework (.NET), databases, and more.